Sunday, November 25, 2007

Good Old Fashioned Bribery

I am a big believer in good old-fashioned bribery (or contests for that matter) especially when the prizes are Amazon gift certificates! Teeny Manalo is holding a grand opening (well... sort of - they opened in September, but well... things happen) contest with the following prizes:
***Amazon Gift Certificates
(2) for $50US and
one grand prize of $150US
The contest begins on November 23 and ends at 12AM Pacific Time on December 7, 2007.
So get over there and enter!


Shellie said...

I was wondering, I am working on a blog in Spanish where I wanted to include businesses and contests, giveaways, etc. How do you find all these?

Audra Marie said...

Thanks for visiting a dash of sassitude. I see you have several blogs, too lol. I'll have to check them out. I have a couple more not on blogger.

Kelly said...

Shellie, I just find them on random blogs I read - you can also do google searches for contests, blog giveaways, etc. Hope that helps! :)